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Less than the sum of its parts

Last night, the Ebay auction ended on a pretty special first generation Saab 95 Aero, i’d set a sensible reserve taking in to account the high level of new and unusual performance parts, and also the amount of time and effort that had gone in to saving another Saab for a long future.

It didn’t meet the reserve, it was exceptionally close, but i’d already set it to the lowest acceptable price, I always question why others don’t see value in older cars, especially one’s that have had so much work lavished on them, they actually offer far better value the a lot of new cars, take devaluation and running costs in to the equation, together with build quality, longevity and reliability and I’m honest surprised people don’t see the benefit.

Alas, I have a sad option facing me, I can essentially break all of the hard work up, remove all of the performance parts for a future project or to sell them and still sell the basic car and that way, the car becomes more valuable in parts as it is as a whole.

Question is, can I bring myself to do that knowing what an exceptional, all rounded reliable and unique car it is? Cash vs Integrity, hard one.