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New Generation Saabists

I've promised myself a little more time dedicated to maintaining the High Mile Club this year, so with renewed energy I've been gathering a few new recruits. As our Saabs get older, the original criteria of 100,000 miles became achievable by pretty much every owner, continually proving just how beautifully crafted these cars are. Some barely show signs of wear at that milage, so the game has been raised slightly to 125,000 Miles / 200,000 Km.

One new entry was this fantastic 900i 16v from Finland, its owner, Saku has grown up around Saabs and although only 18 years old has already owned 8 Saabs and 1 Volvo, he says "There’s just that something about Saab. My family has had a lot of them, even my grandfather had a Saab 900".

It’s always fantastic to see new generations with the same passion for Saab as we have, also great to see what and how they give their Saabs a bit of individuality, after all, it's another Saab kept on the road.