A Saab Life
If there’s one single thing I love about Saabs above all else, it’s how they bring people together, locally, nationally and globally, people are interested in talking about them, asking questions and sharing Saab stories. Whether you drive a modern 9-3 or a rare Sonett, a quirky 95 V4 or an iconic 900, they seem to inspire friendliness and conversation - a shared love.
Many marques have a similar following, but what separates Saab is the inclusivity and affordability to be a part of a lifestyle, young and old, families and teenagers are all able to share the Saab vibe. What usually starts as a connection to Saab through generations, becomes a life long affinity that’s sometimes hard to explain or reason with.
I recently happened across an Instagramer who clearly shares this feeling, she not only drives an exceptionally beautiful Ambassador Blue 900 classic, but also explorers every corner of Europe in it. She’s taken road trips to Sweden, Italy and Austria and in her words “My little Saab really made me connect with so many new people”. Having covered hundreds of miles, she returns safely to her home in the German Alps.
She also loves nature photography and videography and her page is a beautifully curated collection of everything that encapsulates her life passions, and her trusty classic Saab is very much centre stage "The best decision ever I made on my own against every other opinion was to buy this car".
As our Saabs get older and rarer, it's exceptionally heartwarming to see people like Janina not only take care of them for the future, but enjoy every moment and every journey, just as Saab imagined.