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Nothing to prove

I find it hard to explain why I’m drawn to Saabs, despite having a choice of other marques to grab the keys to, I still choose the Saab ones. I think about this a lot, what makes them such emotive cars, yes they have smile inducing performance, they’re becoming rare and yes they’re ridiculously comfortable, all reasons to love them, but I keep coming back to one thought - they have nothing to prove.

They take you out of an increasingly banal world of shiny identikit cars, not competing on worth or ego, not ashamed to be different, they offer a kind of moving sanctuary from a world of meaningless superiority.

Saabs still have a presence that is rare, they sit alongside their peers with ease, they allow you to arrive anywhere in style and more often than not, induce happy conversation, “Do they still make Saabs?” “My Father used to own a Saab” “The most beautiful convertible ever built”.

In an age where everyone should be considering sustainability, I find it hard to comprehend why folks need to buy a new car every 3 - 4 years with huge manufacturing impact, when an older Saab offers luxury, reliability, style and efficiency.

Saabs have nothing to prove, and I love them for that