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Free Saab*

Since 2011 I’ve been happily photographing, writing and sharing stories about Saabs, mostly mine, but some others that have grabbed my attention, together with stories about folks who are also dedicated to keeping our Saabs on the road, oh and creating the Saab High Mile Club of course.

But, for a while now it’s felt a bit one sided, does anyone really read or need Saab vs. Scepticism? is it just a personal journey for me to enjoy? or does it actually go out into the big wide world and inspirer other Saab folks?

So, how about a bit of Free Saab Talk? ( *sorry, not actually a free Saab involved but got you reading ), how about others getting in touch, commenting or contributing to this Saab archive. If nothing else, I’d truly love to know if it helps or inspires other people.

Comment below or send me a Saab Story with photos