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A part of something bigger

Over the years, I've felt occasional despondence and question if keeping Saabvs going is really worth it, do other's find it useful or even inspiring? If I ever feel like that, I take a quick peek at the analytics and feel a surge of energy; in 2022 alone, over 11,000 individuals visited the site and well over 35,000 site views.

Understandably, the majority of visitors came from the UK, US, Nordics and Italy, but also from places as diverse as Addis Ababa in Ethiopia, Kharkiv, Volyn and Kiev in Ukraine and even Amman in Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, all told, Saab folk from 99 of the world’s 195 countries have visited Saabvs, in a single year, that’s over 50%.

I've always found it reassuring to know that a tiny site dedicated to a single marque can bring so many people together, a truly global appreciation of our Saabs, I feel exceptionally humbled and also privileged to be a part of a global community.