Hope & Glory
Being an old fashioned Petrolhead, i’m constantly drawn to a vast array of car gatherings, I love the culture and communities they inspire, I love wandering around looking for inspiration and I love taking photos - win.
Last weekend I visited the Rollhard gathering at Bicester Heritage, my Porsche 964 had been accepted as one of the show cars which was a privilege amongst some pretty awesome builds. But above all, from what seemed like the entire European stance tribe I hoped and prayed there would be a Saab amongst them.
After wandering through endless BMW, VeeDubs, Mercedes, Audi, Nissan and the odd Volvo, I came across just 1 Saab, a decent looking black 93 with serious stance and a rather nice interior featuring a set of front Recaros.
From what I know of Saabs and how beautifully they tune, I’m always surprised more folks don’t jump on them, they’re affordable and unique enough to really stand out at these gatherings, I might just take the 95 Aero along next time.